Consultancy Services For Protect Duty
Our Consultants are Suitably Qualified and Experienced and are able to deliver a comprehensive and tailored Protective Threat and Risk Assessment (PTRA). The PTRA will include:
An Online Vulnerability Assessment (OVA), utilising Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) skills to identify vulnerabilities of your organisation freely available to threat actors on the internet and wider;
An assessment of your Physical Security Control Measures;
Review of your Incident Management and Response plans;
Analysis of Governance, Compliance and Risk in your organisation;
Procedural Security assessment.
Video Consultancy Session
We offer a 30min consultancy session with one of our qualified and experienced assessment consultants. This will allow you to:
Have easy access to experts in the requirements laid out in the Protect Duty;
Receive a detailed appraisal of action points to help you in your compliance journey;
Review of your Incident Management and Response plans;
Assist you in completing the Protect Resolve's Digital PTRA Toolkit.